I just can't get my life together.

Laying in bed at night doing the life review checklist is the worst. Usually it sounds like, “Did I email my boss about the memo? Do I have enough saved for retirement? Who do I even ask about that?”, and “I know I was made for more than this. I have so many good ideas but no time to do them”. It’s enough to make you stay up till 2am, and then not want to get out of bed in the morning. Having ADHD and trauma can make memory and daily living feel impossible.

It makes sense. You’re doing the best you can, day in and day out. And yet, it’s there. The nagging feeling that your best isn’t enough. It never goes away. And it’s exhausting feeling so stuck all the time

In therapy, I teach people how to know what they want and ask for it. I teach you how to live a lifestyle of taking care of yourself, without the guilt. You will  know what your values are, and your actions will be aligned with them. You’ll know yourself so well you’ll confidently know what works for you and what honestly isn’t working. You’ll be able to implement the good, and finally let go of the bad.  

About Meg Gregg

My main passion is helping women claim who they are after being in toxic relationships. After spending years in an unhealthy dynamic, I realized that I spent too much time making the other person the priority and no longer listening to my gut. I am excited to see the ways my clients reclaim their personalities and quirks, and have confidence in who they are. They learn to trust their bodies, their intuition, and their preferences, and finally feel in control of their lives.

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